~Headcanon scenario for the Succession War~

-Chrollo vs. Tserriednich-

Chrollo, breathing heavily and bleeding from his temple, looks down at Hisoka’s corpse. Their battle had been drawn out and gruesome, and Hisoka (who’d been disguising-
himself using “bungee gum prosthetics” and “texture surprise”) had wipied out the troupe one by one systematically (of course saveing Illumi for second to last, you can bet that battle turned him on) until only Chrollo had remained. Now, Chrollo’s eyes are empty. He feels no joy-
in his victory, only the pain of severed ties. In order to give his friends a glorious entrance into the afterlife, he decides to break into the first tier and steal all the treasure

Chrollo breaks through the ceiling and smashes up through Tserriednich’s floor. Tserriednich-
looks at him with wide excited eyes: “YOU CAN USE NEN, CANT YOU!! LEMME SEE YOUR ABILITY!!!” Then his eyes go dark: “Don’t you go disappointing me, though. If you do, you’ll make for a fine wall decoration.” Chrollo sees the TWO NEN BEASTS and just like... imagine for a sec what-
that fight would look like. I don’t know what abilities Chrollo would use as he’s probably got a lot we don’t know about and could hypothetically do anything, but imagine him big braining against Tserriednic who’s looking at the whole thing as a game. Every time Chrollo gets-
into a position to kill the Prince, he’d go into zetsu, surprise Chrollo, “die,” then reappear in ten seconds going “ooooooh, you can do THAT!! I’m gonna enjoy dissecting you~” and immediately going on to do whatever it is unprecedented genius specialists with two nen-
beasts do. That being said, he’s fighting a Chrollo with more resolve than we’ve ever seen him with, it’s possible he’d modify his own abilities (especially the bookmark) in the midst of battle. He’d be creating these intricate loops with his abilities and feeding Tserriednich-
lies about his abilities to throw him off, anything to give his comrades the send off symphony they deserve. Chrollo would be spouting esoteric comment after esoteric comment about moons, ideals, and memories, we could really get to know him as he’s struggling to survive against-
the most terrifying being that’s ever- existed in the world of HxH as we know it. And if other nen users, let alone Kurapika show up??? What would Kurapika do when faced with Chrollo and Tserriednich, the one that murdered his clan and the-
one holding the final piece to his journey? Would he succumb to rage and vengeance, or stay firm in his resolve to protect? GAHH THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS 😩 succession war 10/10 my favorite arc already I can just headcanon until I die this is what hiatus has led me to
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