The most exhausting thing about being blind on social media are the people who constantly ask “if you’re blind how do you tweet?”

I’m so bored of answering these questions.

There is a whole google full of answers, including stuff I’ve written.

Here they are ⬇️ RT
This brilliant short video by Kirsty has had over 8 million views & explains how a screen reader on a phone works.
Here is a video of two of my totally blind pals explaining the technology they use.

On a video call which they ran entirely by themselves, because of this technology. 
There are SO MANY blind bloggers & YouTubers who constantly demonstrate answer these questions & explain accessible technology!

Like @MollyBOfficial a famous blind YouTuber here’s her video
This is a fun video by my pal @lucyedwards where she shows a sighted friend how to use voice over on her phone!
And finally the google page for “how do blind people tweet?”

See all the answers were right there for you...
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