The ‘NI food blockade’. This would in theory arise if the EU did not give GB ‘third country listing’ - a recognition your food meets the basic standard for sale in the single market. As NI would still be in the single market GB food could not come in.
The third country listing stick was waved a bit last year ahead of possible no deal. Amounted to nothing. EU granted the listing (twice.)
Let’s say things really go to hell & this time there’s no listing. Does HMG just say ‘😎 no food for NI.’ Or do they immediately invoke Article 16, the safeguards chapter of the Protocol?
‘If the application of this Protocol leads to serious economic, societal or environmental difficulties that are liable to persist, or to diversion of trade, the Union or the United Kingdom may unilaterally take appropriate safeguard measures. ‘
Also if the intent of the UK IM Bill was to provide an additional safeguard in this scenario it’s been done very obliquely. The Bill has specific & detailed clause on NI-GB unfettered access. Not so much on GB-NI.
The first chapter on NI talks in general terms about the need ‘to facilitate the flow of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland’ but nothing on remedies to make sure this happens. END
We also seem to be back to pretending the Protocol doesn’t create a trade border while also saying ££££££ are being spent on creating that border. All very normal.
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