The worrying-about-how-we’re-going-to-deal-with-COVID early morning waking, a permanent feature in March/April but mercifully fading since then, has returned with a vengeance.
My worry is not diagnosing and treating COViD - that’s the easy part. My worries are bed capacity & management, staff morale, staffing levels/sickness, preventing in-hospital transmission, protecting care homes/vulnerable people, trying to minimise non-COViD deaths and harms..... trainees, teaching medical students, improving services, supporting my family, keeping my kids safe/happy, trying to minimise disruption to my outpatients, making sure visiting restrictions are pragmatic so that no-one dies alone.....
.....and that’s without any Brexit/recession thoughts. Circle of influence and being able to switch off are both going to be very important this winter.
You can follow @elinlowri.
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