I realize the topic of reading bl can be really controversial so I'm just gonna state my opinions on the topic

(I am not undermining anyone else's thoughts I'm just laying down my take on this)
I'd like to say first and foremost I understand where the people who don't want others to read bl type of content are coming from but I also support those who read it

there are many loop holes in this topic so opinions can be taken in many different ways
there are people that fetishize bl and here's a refresher: fetishize means - make (something) the object of a sexual fetish and/or have an excessive and irrational commitment to or obsession with (something)

most of my encounters with these type of people argue that it's ok +
to fetishize mlm relationships in bl because it is fictional,,
(this is also one of the main reasons why I believe people don't want others to real bl type content) the INSTANT people believe it is "ok" is where they go wrong because although they don't apply their fantasies +
and obsession to real life doesn't mean they aren't developing the mindset/norm that fetishizing mlm relationships is ok because that is what they're doing

for people that get off on bl I feel like I need to get more specific about what I think is ok and not ok +
I think it's ok if you get off on bl because there is sexual intercourse because people get horny and that's ok

I think it's NOT ok if you get off on bl specifically because it is an mlm relationship doing the act of sexual intercourse because that is fetishization +
people tend to think others read bl specifically for the "spicy" scenes and when they say that they read it instead for the plot it is automatically assumed that bl "plot" is nothing but sexual scenes,, there are bl that have no sexual scenes, there are bl that are strictly +
sexual scenes, there are bl that have sexual scenes but include a plot,, an example of a bl that has a plot is Incidentally Living Together,, this one falls under the category of having both sexual scenes and plot and I cried reading this,, I doubt many people cry from +
reading about sexual intercourse,, and this one isn't one of my favorites because it is hot,, it's because it's heartwarming and god I related so well with the characters,, both main characters had it rough but as the story developed they supported each other and helped each +
other take the step they needed forward to leading a better life,, bl isn't all about sex,, they can have plot too

"people shouldn't read bl because it makes those of relating sexual orientation uncomfortable"

this is a very valid reason but as there are people that are +
uncomfortable there will also be those that are ok with it

this is also another controversial point and I can understand where both sides are coming from

I myself read bl, I don't get off on it, and I read all different types of them, I respect mlm relationships and I +
recognize that bl is not a source of fetishization

I see a lot of my friends get canceled often for reading bl and I find a hard time coming up with an argument to support them because, again, this is a very controversial topic
I am stating once again that I am not undermining anyone's opinion I am just stating my own

I'm kinda done w this thread but if anything I haven't addressed pops up I'll probably add more

toodles 😗✌️
(lmao I'm back and that was quick)

I would like to compare bl to romance novels,, which I think is a valid comparison because they're both novels,, one is textual and one is visual so it should be ok,, I doubt y'all would bat an eye towards romance novels that add sexual +
content because it is the norm whereas towards bl all of a sudden we specifically read bl for the sex and it's fetishization?

I've stated before bl is not all about the sexual intercourse between mlm type relationships,, and it's not fetishization it's literally a genre +
can't people read/watch bl type content as they would shoujo, action, mystery, horror, slice of life,,, et cetera et cetera
I can name 3 popular bl straight off the bat that are not sex based at all,, or even come close: 19 Days, Here U Are, and Fools

I can dig up more as well https://twitter.com/nen1tsu2/status/1304652481801211904?s=20
readdressing previous topics but it's still an important thread https://twitter.com/_nezumik/status/1305025532975742977?s=20
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