A THREAD on some insightful thoughts about Investing by Utsav Shrivastava ( @utsav1711) Sir:


① No one made wealth in their first bull market
② Most quit the game in their first bear market

Two truths from my equity experience.

If u spend â‚č1 lakh on your credit card and repay â‚č95,000 by the due date, you are still charged interest on the full â‚č1 lakh.

I am 100% sure most card users don't even know about this.

I have met so many investors who lost money in one stock and are hell-bent in recovering it from that stock only.

Bhai..stock hai..Amrish Puri nahi jisne ki tumhare khandaan ko tabaah kiya hai !!

Revenge works in cinema..not in equity.

Next-Generation Investing means buying stocks which can make money for next generation.

It doesn't mean buying stocks which will take next generation to justify today's valuation.

Never buy any stock casually.

You may think what's the max to lose..some money..but what you actually lose is confidence in your game.

And that damage is big..and takes a long time to repair. Hence..never buy any stock casually.

Whenever u feel that you MUST buy a stock RIGHT NOW or u will miss it forever.

Do yourself a big favor.
Wait 3 months

One of 2 things sure to happen
① U will get it much cheaper
② U will no longer feel like buying it

Tried and tested by me
Exceptions if any, very rare.

Remembering all the times someone told me X will become the next Y

In the past few years, that X lost value and the Y multiplied

Capfirst..next Bajajfin
Rupa..next Page
many many more

Next time someones gives u this dialogue go ahead and blindly buy the Y

Some mkt truths
>Your lowest hldg will outperform all others
>U recommend 5 stocks, people buy worst 3 & ask daily about it. The other 2 become multibaggers
>Mkts top out when everyone wants to become a full-time investor
>Never buy a stock when everyone is talking about it

Whenever markets fall badly, aim to buy platinum at the price of silver.

Not copper at the price of scrap.

A multibagger is nothing but the journey of a stock from a point where no-one wants it, to a point where every-one wants it.

So now you know where to look.
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