Dear Lord everyone. I need you to help me spread this message. People are spreading false information about the number of COVID deaths and Americans are believing it. Thread...
Hospitals are not over reporting or purposely changing records to increase the number of COVID deaths. First, hospitals don’t have that power. Second, there just aren’t enough bad people. Let me explain...
Medical records follow you everywhere. From the moment you arrive to the moment you expire and then some more. For a hospital to change or falsely report a death as COVID, tens of thousand of people around the nation would have to all be colluding together...
Nurses. Technicians. Doctors. Medical records clerks, coroners, Insurance companies, even the Federal Government. Family members. Administrators. Billing offices. ALL of them would have to be acting in unison to achieve this ridiculous conspiracy theory.
If anything, COVID deaths are most likely under reported. If you are one of those people who believes this theory and is spreading it. Please stop. You’ve been duped.
Wear a mask so we can finally be done with this. If you don’t know someone who has gotten ill or even died from this, consider yourself very fortunate. 200,000 deaths might not seem like a lot but if one of those deaths was your loved one it will be unbearably too many.
Estimates of excess deaths can provide information about the burden of mortality potentially related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including deaths that are directly or indirectly attributed to COVID-19. And...
Excess deaths are typically defined as the difference between the observed numbers of deaths in specific time periods and expected numbers of deaths in the same time periods.
Sometimes COVID alone kills you. Sometimes COVID plus XYZ kills you. Sometimes you were going to die anyway. And sometimes you died due to COVID but it wasn’t detected. All that is taken into account.
If you have the time and the inclination, go to the CDC site and read all about mortality rates. Please don’t just watch a YouTube video or read a tweet and jump to a conclusion that could put you or your loved ones at risk.
It’s a global pandemic. What better reason will you ever have to spend extra time to educate yourself about this stuff. If you support Trump, he is on the record that it’s at least 5x more deadly than the flu which kills 30k+ usually over 4/6 months, but COVID isn’t seasonal
Honestly, why are we even having this discussion? Listen to the experts. The scientists and doctors who aren’t politicians. Why would they lie? What would they all have to gain?
You can follow @HelenPhilpot.
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