#The_JFK_Assassination is one of the watershed events in world history!
Let’s go back in time and try to find out what really happened, the aftermath and the coverup.
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.....
as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas. Bullets struck the president's neck and head and he slumped over toward Mrs Kennedy. The governor was shot in his back.
The car sped off to Parkland Memorial Hospital just a few minutes away and at 1:00p.m.
John F. Kennedy was pronounced dead. Though seriously wounded, Governor Connally would recover.
Post The Assassination Lyndon B. Johnson took the oath of office,administered by US District Court Judge Sarah Hughes.
Less than an hour earlier, police had arrested Lee Harvey Oswald.
He was being held for the assassination of President Kennedy and the fatal shooting, shortly afterwards, of Patrolman J. D. Tippit on a Dallas street.
On Sunday morning, November 24, Oswald was scheduled to be transferred from police headquarters to the county jail.
Viewers across America watching the live television coverage suddenly saw a man aim a pistol and fire at point-blank range.

The assailant was identified as Jack Ruby, a local nightclub owner. Oswald died two hours later at Parkland Hospital.
The Shots that killed JFK were allegedly fired with an Italian made Mannlicher–Carcano rifle from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book depository
Aftermath, On November 29, 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed the President's Commission on the Assassination of Kennedy.
It came to be known as the Warren Commission after its chairman, Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States. Which later turned out to be hogwash and as a result, The US House of Representatives established the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976 to
And Later the iconic Oliver Stone movie JFK bought into effect Assassination Records Review Board was set up and the legislation was passed,
The Act requires that each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full and be made available in the collection
no later than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of the Act.
Now Coming to the Conspiracy Theories regarding the JFK Assassination it has now conclusively Proved that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Patsy, the warren commission was thoroughly discredited
and House select committee stated that the lone Gunman theory was False,7 out of 10 Americans believe that he was assassinated as per a sinister plan, not by a lone nut!

We must understand now that who killed Kennedy and why?
The American Deep State ( FBI and The CIA ): JFK was against the policy of regime change and destabilization that had been carried out by the American Deep State, I,e Guatemala, Cuba which made sure that the FBI and CIA were dead against JFK,
Allan Dulles was fired post the Bay of Pigs Fiasco which further Added to his enmity for JFK.
LBJ blackmailed his way on the ticket in 1960 and was being dumped in 1964 to face prosecution for corruption at the hands of his nemesis attorney Robert Kennedy.
President Johnson would use power from his personal connections in Texas, from the criminal underworld, and from the US government to escape an untimely end in politics and to seize even greater power.
LBJ was the driving force behind a conspiracy to murder President Kennedy on November 22, 1963
Texas Oil Mafia: JFK PLanned to raise taxes on the American oil industry which the texas Oil Mafia didn’t like,
George W Bush Sr. and LBJ were on the payroll of texas Oilmen like Clint Murchison etc. The assassination of Kennedy allowed the oil depletion allowance to be kept at 27.5%.It remained unchanged during the Johnson presidency resulting in huge Profits for the American oil magnets.
The Italian Mob: There are a Zillion pieces of evidence of the Mob involvement but I’ll go to the root cause, for now, RFK’s ruthless pursuant of the Mafia and especially the New Orleans Mafia boss Carlos Marcello, made Kennedys the most hated brothers which had to go.
Military-Industrial Complex: JFK Commitment to Pull out of Vietnam and unwillingness to support the regime change policy of the USA Deep State meant huge losses to Arms lobby and the MIC, which would have rendered them bankrupt if not with huge losses.
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