Instead of advertising 8GBs of RAM they should just say 200 Chrome tabs. That's how you sell a computer.
Worse than I thought...
my 16gb MBP can hold just 45 Buzzfeeds

Buzzfeed: 350mb (200 of ads)
Nytimes: 300mb (200 of ads)
Youtube: 150mb
Facebook: 115mb
Twitter: 100mb
Reddit: 80mb
Here @Apple, I fixed it for you
50% of laptop resources go to ads (on @BuzzFeed, @nytimes, see above)

You pay 30% more for a laptop that can handle those ads (MacBook Air w/ 2x RAM and bump up CPU)

30% of $AAPL rev ($260B) = $FB rev ($30B)

So, arguably @Apple makes as much money from ads as @Facebook does
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