
How I found #DezNat as a Catholic

First off, allow me to destroy everyone's expectations.

For the LDS crowd: I was not seeking out a new religion. Sorry.

For everyone else: DezNat basically fancies themselves as the Mormon A-Team. They're closer to the Village People, but don't tell them I said that.
Now that everyone's unhappy, let me tell you why I was interested in learning more about LDS culture.

As Alexandre Dumas would put it, cherchez la femme - look for the woman.

Of course there's a girl involved. What else would it be? This one has a bit of a twist, though.
I had played around on a couple different dating apps for most of 2018, but once 2019 came around, I decided to get serious. If my future wife was out there, I was going to find her.

So the first 3 months of 2019 I spent 2 hours/day working through 4 apps.

It was hell.
And I wasn't finding anyone I felt was worthwhile.

Worse, I didn't know why I felt that way.

There were plenty of attractive women who seemed interested enough, but something was off.

And I always trust my gut.

So I decided to experiment.
I changed my location in the apps. I used different cities to see if my results changed.

And at some point, one random place on the timeline, I found some weird girl who happened to be LDS.

I had no context for that. I've never met a member outside of Twitter (still).
But this one stood out. And not for the usual reasons.

This girl's profile said she was one of 10 siblings and wanted 8 kids of her own. Wanted to be a stay at home mom and homeschool them. Her first pet was a cow, so of course she wanted a farm.

I told you she stood out.
Obviously I was curious.

I messaged her. She replied the next day. We had a bit of a back and forth. That was it.

I honestly don't know if she was interested. I don't even know if I was interested.

But her profile stuck with me. I thought about it a long time after that.
That one encounter clarified everything for me. I started telling women I was intent on having 6 kids and a farm.

Try it, they'll call you crazy. They want to get blackout drunk twice a week and travel.

It's no wonder the fertility rates are so low.
There wasn't another profile like that on any of the apps.

I know, because I checked.

So I decided I had to look into LDS and see if this was common.

I already followed @tannerguzy, so any time he mentioned his faith, I paid attention and asked questions.
One of the threads was a DezNat discussion. Right away I knew I these were my kind of people.

It's so refreshing to find people who are more serious about their faith than they are about Harry Potter.

But I changed my mind about them when I saw their terrible Bowie knife memes.
I guess I'm stuck with them now though, it's been over a year.

I tried to get rid of them once, and they just came back like roaches.

Fair warning: if you follow more than a couple, you will trip the Twitter algorithm and your entire timeline will be LDS stuff.

Seriously tho
You can follow @JamesonFrost.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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