Facebook probably created their dating app feature for countries like Myanmar where Facebook is synonymous with the internet. This will give users no reason to download any other app. Also it'll unlock the final machine learning frontier of finding the perfect person. But is it?
Or is it just Facebook and other social media nudging us into a personality that isn't intrinsically ours to fall for someone with a look and personality we think we're supposed to like based on what makes us what we believe to be true happiness?
I have a theory. And that theory is that no one has a "type." We're humans. And thus we are a series of habits, patterns, and familiarities. We go for what feels familiar. We go for what we know. Hence why many of us keep "falling for the wrong person." The people look different,
But they have similar personalities that activate those familial feelings of what you, sadly, perceive to be love. Hence why you might meet a guy whose ex-girlfriends were "all crazy." He's used to receiving love in an unhealthy way. And he might push you to react in a way he
Sees as loving. Even though the reaction he craves may not come naturally to you, he feels there's something wrong with you if you react in a way he's not expecting. When in actuality he's trying to create a pattern in you for him to feel fulfilled in an unhealthy way.
Why? Because it's easier and more familiar to him to create the unhealthy reaction out of you than actually working towards the healthy reaction. Just like drinking is easier to make yourself feel better than running 5 miles. Anywho, I have no idea what I'm talking about. Back to
Facebook manipulating us into finding the perfect partner. If they can figure out how to nudge and convince people into finding an unattractive person attractive, then they've just opened up another business market entirely. Not just their looks, but their likes and dislikes, too
Facebook and social media could even figure out how to make you stop liking a particular type of guy that you keep falling for or attracting. Or they could make those guys no longer see your dating profile, etc. Thus completely wiping out the wrong guy.
Anywho. Take everything I said with a grain of salt. I have no background in love or dating. I am no expert whatsoever. I guarantee you everything I said was probably highly inaccurate anyway lol
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