What is one of the more effective strategies @realDonaldTrump has used as candidate and president?

Choleric = easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger; hot-tempered.

By irritating those with choleric tempers, they remain in a state of permanent rage.

Then they make mistakes.
Before we go on, we have to settle on definitions.

REAL definitions, not partisan definitions that change so that they can fit narratives.

"Right wing" as applied to the US means conservative.

The Europeans says that right wing also means monarchist.

Not in the US.

They say right wing means reactionary, or opposed to social change or reform.

Not in the US.
Laughably, all leftists say that Nazism is right wing.


Does that sound like American right wingers?
American right wingers want SMALL government, and they value individual freedom above all else.

All sane people must agree to that definition of American right wingers.

Those two characteristics are the only tow that unite all American right wingers.
The Boogaloo Bois or Boogaloo movement is neither cohesive nor right wing.

The only thing that unites THEM IS HATRED OF GOVERNMENT.

Most are extreme libertarians and anarchists.

NOT conservatives.

They're totally incoherent, which is why so many support BLM.
Some of them want to start a civil war.

This plan is IDENTICAL to Charles Manson's moronic Helter Skelter, a civil war that would leave HIM in control of the country.

Manson, a man who was totally illiterate.
The Boogaloos who want a civil war are as delusional as Manson.

I'll post this video again:

German GSG-9 German Federal Police commando wiping out an entire Airsoft crowd.

The GSG-9's FIRST operation was the rescue of the passengers of Lufthansa Flight 191 in Mogadishu, October 18, 1977.

Operation Fire Spell (Feuerzauber).

See all the doors in the aircraft fuselage?
The GSG-9 came in on a darkened Boeing 707 that landed undetected on the runway.

Colonel Ulrich "Ricky" Wegener, 48--founder of GSG-9--personally led the 30-man rescue team.
They worked out a plan in 4 hours, coordinating with Somali Special Forces.

The Germans put padded ladders on four aircraft doors and lined the doors with explosives.

British SAS advisers gave the Germans flash-bang grenades.
In the dark field far in front of the aircraft, the Somalis drove a fuel truck and parked it.

At a prearranged time, the blew it up.

Three of the four Palestinian terrorists ran into the cockpit, and one hid in a bathroom.
The Germans blew off the doors of the aircraft and tossed in flash-bang grenades.

They were wearing goggles and ear protection.

They shot all four of the terrorists, killing three.

When they located the one in the bathroom, they just fired.

Too late, baby!

Can you imagine counter-terrorist capabilities TODAY?

No armed group can overthrow the government.

Everything I just wrote was necessary background.

HERE is the genius of Trump:
These two idiots were arrested for trying to help Hamas kill American cops and government officials.

So the Intercept defend THEM AND HAMAS.

A two-fer!

What the hell is the Intercept?
"The new ethics are called 'accountability journalism,' and the new [AP] bureau chief, Ron Fournier, believes that the conventional press model, where both sides of an argument are entitled to equal weight, is exactly what journalists need to avoid."
"Fournier believes those old journalistic ethics are what stops reporters from telling the truth as they see it."
"3,000 Dead on 9/11 Meant Everything. 200,000 Dead of Covid-19 Means Nothing. Here’s Why."
Has anyone on the planet said that the people who died of COVID-19 mean nothing?

Of course not.

Jon Schwartz @schwarz is a lying psycho.

Look at his bio:
"Before joining First Look Media, Jon Schwarz worked for Michael Moore’s Dog Eat Dog Films and was a research producer for Moore’s 'Capitalism: A Love Story.'"
His 100-percent dishonest story for the Intercept begins this way:
"Lots of people have ridiculed President Donald Trump for telling journalist Bob Woodward that he 'wanted to always play [Covid-19] down … because I don’t want to create a panic.' That’s hilarious, because Trump obviously loves creating panics..."
"...about Mexican immigrants, antifa, single-family zoning, and, scariest of all, low-flow toilets."
Anybody panicking about Mexicans?

Even Antifa?

If people ARE upset about Antifa, is it because of Trump's WORDS or ANTIFA'S ACTIONS?

This INARGUABLE evidence is all over the place.

Who's panicking?

They aren't even talking posses throwing neck-stretching parties.

We're angry as hell, BUT CALM.

The only panic is coming from LEFTISTS.

Trump is mercilessly using that panic.
He'll win in a landslide, because his enemies are totally insane.

Their worldview is a hallucination.

Let's say someone says to you, "Your feet are made of asparagus! The government did it!"

Do you PANIC?
And the final nail in the coffin of leftist fanatics like Jon Schwarz is that they support ANYTHING in the name of their ideology.

After Timothy McVeigh blew up the Arthur P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 including toddlers and infants, guess what?

They were ashamed.

You think Jon Schwarz is ashamed of Antifa?


He's PROUD of them.

And that's why the Democrats will get wiped out on November 3.
They now openly support and enable terrorism of all stripes.

Can you think of ANYTHING more politically suicidal in the US?

And Trump goaded them into doing it.


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