Here's an iso project I've been chipping away at for the last few months: attempting to build Ballarat Station out of Lego. These are from a few weeks ago, photo of the actual station for comparison.
Since then I decided to change from the kind of "offset" setup with the portico on the far right of the plate, to putting it in the middle of the plate, which required a bit of a rebuild (hence the portico roof being off)
Progress has stalled a bit at the moment, as I wait for Australia Post to deliver more bricks from interstate. But I'll post more photos when there's an update :)
Lockdown Lego update! The portico/tower structure is essentially done now. I need to fill in more details at some stage; I'm pleased with how the bins came out but I need a bench and so on
End-of-year Lockdown Lego update! I've essentially finished the frontage and worked my way across to the platforms and tracks. I've also made a first attempt at a VLocity (with a slightly older livery).
Because the tracks need to be lower than the platforms I now need to raise the "ground" up by 2-3 blocks, so the platforms are misaligned with the rest of the building for now. But in time this will mean I can do ramps up to doors, have footpaths slightly higher than roads, etc
Lockdown Lego update!
- train shed facade done
- VLocity train (essentially) done
- more of Platform 1 done (including slidey doors that actually slide)
- Platform 2 started
- front ticket office entrance raised up, with ramp, gutter, forecourt etc
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