Oh so apparently it’s #MennoniteHeritageWeek so lemme just hop on here to remind everyone that Mennonites also ran residential schools & are implicated in settler dispossession and violence with the rest of them!
Did I ever learn this in my biblical education? No. Did they profusely talk about how we were sympathetic bystanders o our Indigenous ‘neighbours’ because we ‘understand the plight of oppression?’ Constantly. It’s revisionist to overlook settler status as part of being menno
Oppression and violence is not a zero sum game. Russlander Mennonites experienced it because of their faith, and they engaged in it, as a predominantly white, and ‘desirable’ migrant group to Russia & then Canada.
So yes great auntie may have died in a USSR labour camp but uncle was a pastor in an inherently genocidal assimilatory project. This is why intersectional analysis of power matters.
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