Libya was ruled by dictator Muammar Gaddafi for 42 years.

The war was the brainchild of Samantha Power, a Harvard academic who called herself the Genocide Chick.

She claimed to be the world's greatest expert on genocide.

Here's how seriously we're supposed to take her mind.
Sitting on a portable crapper.

What is it with Obama people and ridiculous images that remind us of toilets?
Samantha Power created the PERFECT formula for endless global war:

Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

The world's nations are required to go in MILITARILY to stop countries from mistreating their own people.

Libya was the first AND LAST R2P war.
The reason R2P is a pre-failed doctrine is that you go in, overthrow the leader, and leave.

You have no responsibility to help the former subjects of absolute dictatorship to adapt.

As a result, Libya fell into a civil war for nine years.
The first thing the Libyans did was massacre the black guest workers.

People went back to SOMALI because it was safer.

Libya eventually ended up with TWO legitimate governments:
The Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli.

And the House of Representatives (HoR) in Tobruk.

Three major terrorist groups were supported by the predecessors of the GNA:
Ansar al-Sharia.

Shura Council of Mujahideen in Derna.

The Islamic State.

Obama created Syria in Libya.
Our Arab allies did something absolutely brilliant.

An American citizen named Khalifa Haftar is the commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA), loyal to the HoR.

The press calls him a "rogue warlord."

He's anything but.
The UAE saw where this was all going, so they joined in the fighting early on so that they could shape future events.

Khalifa Haftar cleared all of Libya of jihadists.

Then he was"defeated" by the actors posing as the soldiers of the GNA.
"'Imagery and intelligence assessments show how Russia continues to interfere in Libyan affairs. Wagner Group’s reckless use of landmines and booby traps are harming innocent civilians,' said Rear Adm. Heidi Berg, AFRICOM’s director of intelligence."
Haftar was accused of widespread war crimes.


His purpose was to target Islamist terrorists.

Nothing more.

He's made that clear.
Turkey interfered with SYRIAN jihadists.

Qatar and Italy support the GNA, but only the NON-ISLAMIST faction.

And the western press is too stupid to figure out any of it.

Hafter--who was one of Gaddafi's major opponents--wiped out the Islamists and retreated.

The key is for the US to NOT get involved, except on a logistical and technological basis, WHEN ASKED BY OUR ALLIES.

With Trump's help, another Obama fiasco was cleaned up.
All the usual American warmongers LOVED them some intervention.


These are fellow humans, for God's sake.

We have no right whatsoever to make them die by the thousands.

I knew what the UAE, the Libyan House of Representatives, and Khalifa Haftar were doing the second they started.

There were TONS of massively squared-away "rebels" who were obviously professional commandos.
When you see ONE fit young man operating every single weapon system--rifle, grenade launcher, heavy machine gun, mortar--and everyone else just watching with big grins on their faces, you know what's happening.

Here's what Trump understands:

Arabs need to see ARABS kicking ass.

The defeat of Saddam Hussein in three weeks in 2003 was a strategic blunder that humiliated ALL ARABS.

That's just reality.

They are united by ethnicity.
Yesterday, Trump had multiple American COMBAT VETERANS speak at the announcement of the Bahrain-Israel peace deal, and they said the same thing:

The peace deal honors the American troops who put so much into trying to stabilize the Middle East.

They weren't SUCKERS.
They were lions led by donkeys--a famous quote about World War One troops.

Arabs must build up a string of victories ON THEIR OWN.

Military, diplomatic, and economic.

THAT will lay the past to rest.
Until the west sees Arabs as equals, the relationship will be strained.

Trump already does see them as equals.

That's why they trust him, and that's why the right people are finally winning.

And the best is yet to come.

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