Sometimes depression is. A thread:
Sometimes depression is going from a full face of makeup to not wearing any at all for weeks. Sometimes it’s making sure your hair is curled every day to forgetting the last time you washed it.
Sometimes depression is living in the same baggy sweatshirt you have for weeks because you haven’t put a wash on, have no clean clothes and no energy to do anything about it.
Sometimes depression is sleeping all day. Waking up at times knowing you should get up but hitting the pillow again instead. Constant fatigue, no energy, no motivation. Sometimes it’s not sleeping at all.
Sometimes depression is calling in sick to work and pretending you’ve got flu because ‘I am mentally dying’ doesn’t seem like a good enough reason.
Sometimes depression is withdrawing from everyone who loves you. Not answering texts or calls. Cancelling plans or no longer making them. Coming up with fade excuses.
Sometimes depression is smiling through your pain to convince everyone everything is fine. Sometimes it’s pushing yourself to burn-out because you want to show everyone you’re functioning.
Sometimes depression is chronic headaches. Nausea. Muscle pain. Bowel issues. Weight gain. Weight loss. Under eating. Over eating. Sometimes it’s an empty fridge and your kitchen sides filled with takeout boxes.
Sometimes it’s not telling anyone how you’re feeling. Sometimes it’s full on breaking down to someone you trust.
And sometimes, it’s locking yourself in your bathroom at 1am while the rest of the house is asleep to uncontrollably sob until your eyes are red raw from tears, your cheeks sticky and nothing else will come out.
Sometimes it’s imagining what life would be like if you weren’t in it. Sometimes it’s not wanting to be in it. Sometimes it’s going completely numb and feeling like you’re not in it. Just existing.
Sometimes, depression is lived with in silence. Sometimes it’s treated in time. Sometimes... it’s deadly.
Depression is different for everyone. There is no one symptom for all. You could be completely unaware that someone is seriously depressed. Please don’t assume someone isn’t suffering because they ‘don’t look like’ someone else with depression.
All symptoms of depression are valid, and all need to be taken seriously.
You can follow @hatttiegladwell.
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