So here’s one of those New York stories that you never think will happen to you. We were having a birthday dinner and a wonderful local Brooklyn restaurant. Dessert, drinks, the works. /1
The kids got a pack of silly gold birthday crowns and we were all wearing them. Why not, right? It took me years to be able to even think about celebrating my birthday again on 9/11 and it felt really good. Especially now. /2
They gave me some awesome cards, some little gifts, we laughed a lot, ate a lot. It was a beautiful night to be outside eating in the street. (As one does these days!)

At the end of the meal, we ask for a check. /3
Our waiter took some time before coming back to the table.

“A generous stranger took care of it. You’re all set.”

What??? 😳

We thought he was joking. /4
I wracked my brain trying to think who might have called the restaurant. But it was a last-minute decision. We didn’t tell anyone we were going.

So I asked my boyfriend to ask the waiter if he was sure it was meant for us. Maybe a mistake? /5
The waiter finally confessed, it was the couple sitting across the sidewalk from you.


Total strangers. A couple who had been smiling at us through the whole meal. I’ve never seen them before. /6
We asked if we could offer a tip, and he said with a laugh that he was *very* well taken care of.

As I sat there, hand over my mouth, tears streaming out of my eyes, he smiled and pointed to my head.

“I think it was the crowns,” he said. /7
The best part was that my kids were there. I hope it made a lasting impression on them. How could it not? /8
Today of all days, this year of all years, never forget: there are good and kind people in the world, and they do good things simply because that’s who they are. /9
And hey, if you happened to be that couple tonight in Brooklyn: Thank you so much. Even though you didn’t ask for any...thank you. It was the perfect end to an emotional day. ❤️👑
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