There's been a lot of attention rightfully paid to the brave work being done by incarcerated firefighters but here are SO many other ways incarcerated people serve their communities. Here are a few examples: 👇
Incarcerated people serve as certified EMTs. They treat medical emergencies in prison and in the community. I know incarcerated people who rescued children choking from a peanut allergy and a CO trapped in a car that flipped on the way to work.🚑 👇
Incarcerated people train service dogs who after training help people with disabilities. The dogs leave prison. They don't. 🐶👇
See that flag over the state capitol or your city hall? It was sewn by an incarcerated person. 🐻 👇
Incarcerated people train as certified alcohol and substance abuse counselors and go to work every day counseling other incarcerated people to help break the cycle. Many will never get out of prison themselves. 👇
Incarcerated people train as professional ASL interpreters and interpret for people outside of prison over webcam. 🤟👇
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Incarcerated people are certified opticians making eyeglasses for people every day.👓 👇
Furniture in a California government agency office? Made in a factory by incarcerated people. 🪑👇
They are paid just cents per hour for all of this. There are so many more examples and people are so much more than their labor but incarcerated people give back to a society that writes them off as disposable.

Like incarcerated firefighters, they all deserve better from us.
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