Compared to previous generations testosterone levels are plummeting in men…

Lower Testosterone causes more body fat... Worse sex life.. Lower energy and productivity.. And the list goes on.. So lets talk about it

How to increase your testosterone a thread:
-Good Sleep(healthy 8 hours vs an unhealthy 5 hours is makes a 10-15% difference)
-CUT OUT BEER.. the hops in beer is estrogenic which is the opposite of testosterone.. Drink vodka instead
-More Sunlight
-Lifting.. Heavy Compound Lifts and doing SPRINTS NOT ENDURANCE..
-Getting plenty of rest and staying as stress free as possible(this reduces cortisol which is a testosterone KILLER)
-Get to a healthy weight.. If you are obese you likely have far below average T levels because of Adipose Tissue in the fat which converts T into Estrogen..
A study was done on obese men
-test group (1) that were focusing more on lifting weights increased their testosterone more than
-test group (2) which focused on dieting more..

If you learn anything from this thread.. Lift heavy
Now let's talk about diet...

Foods to stay away from if you want to increase your T

-Sugar.. supports obesity
-Water bottles(the chemicals in the plastic lower testosterone so use glass or metal)
-Soy.. supports estrogen.. plus you don't want to be known as a soyboy
Foods to get more of:

- Saturated Fats.. Grass Fed Beef.. whole Eggs.. and pretty much anything with coconut
- Monounsaturated fats.. Olive, avocado, nuts and nut butters including macadamia, pecans, almonds, cashews.. Seeds including sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, etc.
Foods to get more of cont.

-Zinc(In most meet.. Beef, pork, chicken) or if you absolutely refuse to eat meet(weirdo) then enough beans and nuts should be able to do the trick, Vitamins E and C.
Anything I'm missing here gents?
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