What should be biden’s campaign message to hispanics:
1-the disparate care given to our community resulting in far more covid-19 deaths than afflicts anyone else will not be tolerated
2-we will respect law and order but not abuse. ICE will no longer raid your workplace or scare your home
3-incarceration and child care will be in hands of office of refugee resettlement-not ICE
4-job opportunities in federal government & military will be equally accessible to hispanics
5-health care needs to be accessible to all equally-and hispanic lack of access will be remedied to be equal to others
6-All hispanic children will pay same tuition fees in higher ed as all other home state students do
7-all hispanic college students will have same access to pell grants & loans as everyone else
8-we will continue to deport those who have been convicted of serious crimes
9-zero tolerance for racism towards hispanics and violators will face the legal consequences of their actions
10-administration will see to it that all hispanics are counted in census and in congressional reapportionment

Other thoughts/ideas to win an election are welcom
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