#ADHD Time Blindness
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What is it *really*?

🧵A #KnowYourADHD Thread
What is ADHD Time Blindness?

“Time Blindness” was coined to succinctly capture the ADHD experience of time awareness & time management.

It can manifest as
・Chronic lateness
・An inability or difficulty to sense time
&/or to estimate “How long with this take?”
For those who experience Time Blindness, the way we experience time “in the moment” is mostly binary:

“Now” vs. “Not Now”

“Now” only lasts about 4 seconds. ADHD or not, we’ve all had experiences where that 4 seconds FELT either non-existent, or like an eternity.
All humans have variable experiences of time.

However, ADHD & other neurodivergent folks have a less predictable relationship with time. The experience of time is often highly inconsistent, highly variable, and frequently beyond the ability of the person to control.
(aka “Not Now”)

Because this experience of time can be so unpredictable, we also frequently struggle with
Evaluating, Anticipating, &/or Predicting the…

・Duration of tasks & events
・Temporal distance between events
Recognizing the arrival &/or passing of a specific instance in time– from moment to moment, day to day, etc – can also be a real challenge.

It’s *always* “Now”.

It’s never “Not now.”

“Now" never changes.

However, *what’s happening* right “Now” does…
As things change in “the Now”, we frequently struggle to notice the transition between when an upcoming event changes from “Not Now” to “Now”. Even if we try to notice time passing.

We tend to do better with noticing environmental & episodic changes vs. time on a clock.
But what causes this strange relationship with time?


✭ Neurotransmitters
✭ Executive Functions
・Circadian Rhythms
・Metabolic Rate
・Immediate Environment
・Cultural Norms
ADHD Executive Dysfunction
& How It Can Alter Our Perception of Time

ADHD ExecDys affects our Working Memory & Emotional Regulation. As you saw in the previous graphic, Memory & Emotion have significant influence on our perception & felt experience of time.
Memory + Emotion + Executive Functions combine to create our perception of time: Past, Present, & Future.

Memory stores & accesses memories from the past & imagines the future.

Emotion colors our perception of Memory.

ExecFuncs organize everything to make coherent sense.
There’s also the matter of Neurotransmitters.
Dopamine & Norepinephrine (Adrenaline) also have significant impacts on our perception of time.

While scientists are still unclear on *how* these impacts perception of time, it’s clear that they do.
Of course, the hallmarks of ADHD include:

✅ Dysregulation of Dopamine & Norepinephrine
✅ Executive DysFunctions
✅ Emotional DysRegulation
✅ Working Memory Dysfunction

Basically all the neurological systems that create our experience of time are impacted.
This means that many ADHD people experience more frequent disruptions, inconsistencies, &/or variability in their perception & experience of time, compared to non-neurodivergent people.

In other words…
For ADHD people, time-wimey is much more wibbly-wobbly.
As if all of that’s not enough, other research shows that if any of the above mentioned systems get out of sync with each other, it also messes with our sense of time.

On the other hand, Sychrony among the systems creates Coherence in time perception.

Ah, sweet Synchrony.
However, since all these systems already experience dysregulation, I’d expect that ADHD brains tend to have a high rate of disruption in the communication between our time-perception-related systems.
Although, I couldn’t find research on ADHD brains to confirm.
So… Time. It’s complicated.

Is “Time Blindness” really the best term?

It’s certainly not true that we don’t perceive or experience time.

We do. It’s just different.

The systems that impact our perception & experience of time are more frequently & easily disrupted for ADHD
Our experience of time is often much more varied & inconsistent. We really can’t predict how long a stretch of time will feel.

Sometimes, we can even struggle to estimate how long it will take us to do something we’ve done a million times.

Time is Variable & Unpredictable.
By now you’re probably thinking,

“Knowing all of this is informative and all…
But I’m 18 tweets into this thread!
Where’s that sweet Synchrony?”

Welp… Part I is the info.

We’ll get into, “Where do I go from here?” in Part II.

But… just read at least one more tweet.
Article Title: Time Perception

Description: And brief overview of the various NeuroPsychological systems that work together to create our perception of time.
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