One of the reasons it’s hard for me to let that fuck, Krugman off the hook is because we have seen this time and again, whitewashing and sanitizing the American image. And ppl will say things like “this is not us,” “America isn’t racist,” “we are innocent.”
It starts with misinformation like that, where a distorted and revisionist view of what actually happened, that becomes the narrative, and absolves crimes committed to members of that group.
The Samar way they created “savages” out of Indigenous ppl, the same way they created “violent” Black ppl, is the same way they created “terrorists” out of Muslims. To think that we justified going into an innocent country and killing over a million ppl...
Over one million! Based on a lie. There was tons of violence committed, and it came from Americans here, and abroad. Not just on Muslims, but Sikhs and Indian folks, right here! And dehumanizing, “sand-n*****s” “camel jockeys,” or just calling them straight up terrorists.
And all that has lasted till today, and if you go to many countries the US has destroyed and murdered innocent ppl,they don’t do that to Americans, and they’d be justified to do it, if they did! The US is currently terrorizing Yemen. Sanctions that have thousands, upon thousands.
They disrespect and assist Israel in the killing and oppression of Palestinians. “WE” stood by and let them, we dare not confront our government’s legitimacy, and WE joined in. Worried more about soldiers than innocent and defenseless ppl who had everything taken from them.
Even accused Obama of being a Muslim. Obama was an actual terrorist, one who killed many innocent human beings, but he wasn’t Muslim. After 9/11 it was okay to capture ppl and torture them, we gave consent to have rights revoked thru the patriot act and the NDAA.
We gave consent to be spied on, and searched, and those who suffered were anyone who looked Muslim. If they spoke a different language, they were brown, it didn’t matter. White ppl’s racism was out in the open. This is why I don’t let this go.
I served in the military, and saw the horror in Iraq. Not just the killing, but the psychological torture, the dehumanization. And I went from being a Marine to being anti-fascist. Because I will never give my mind or body to the state to help them do what they’ve done, again.
I’m on the right side, I’ll end this by quoting Howard Zinn, “When you fight a war against a tyrant, who do you kill? You kill the victims of the tyrant.” 161 for life!
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