As far as we know, Jesus did not hike, garden, or shoot a gun.

When he fixed things, he used miraculous powers.
Katharina Von Bora was famous for her beer-making.

Definitely a qualification for biblical womanhood.
Jesus did weep passionately, dine with sinners, break the Billy Graham rule, let the disciple whom he loved recline his head against his breast, cook breakfast, and subtweet the Pharisees—but I'm not sure if those are exclusively manhood things or just Christic-humanhood things.
And when the Pharisees were publically criticizing a woman who loved him because her act of worship was not socially acceptable, he told them to leave her alone.
To my knowledge, he never spoke like the men who ran for the 2016 Republican nomination for President.
Jesus did let women travel with him and pay for stuff.
We know almost nothing of Jesus' physique.

We do know that was no physical specimen or so sharply dressed that people looked at him and said, "Whoa. Now there's a man!"
Probably wasn't too skilled in a sport ball.
A list of some hard things I may encourage my boys to do as a means of training them to be men:
- hiking
- read novels
- shoot guns
- study art
- grow plants
- play an instrument
- sports
- theater
- play with swords
- hug
- wrestle
- cook
- hunt
- video games
- poetry
A list of some hard things I may encourage my daughter to do as a means of training her to be a woman:
- hiking
- read novels
- shoot guns
- study art
- grow plants
- play an instrument
- sports
- theater
- play with swords
- hug
- wrestle
- cook
- hunt
- video games
- poetry
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