"You should have stayed a man so you could be an ALLY to women/dismantle toxic masculinity from the inside." is one of the WORST takes and I'm sick of it.

I'm a queer woman. I've always been a queer woman. Most men didn't respect me when they thought I was one of them.
What the fuck are you even saying? I shouldn't have transitioned so I could single handedly dismantle the patriarchy and never search for my own fulfillment? Why don't you hold ACTUAL MEN to that standard?

I'm more useful as a queer woman than I ever was as a closeted "boy".
"You should have been a man INSTEAD OF being trans" As if women never did anything to change societies perceptions of women. As if TRANS women never did anything for womens right or for queer equality.

Nope, all those battles were fought and won by straight cis white men, right?
Do you think I never tried to be a "feminine man"? Like it never occured to me? I tried for 25 years and it didn't work out.

I'm not a gender non-conforming man, I'm a gender non-conforming woman. So if you would have supported me before, then what the fuck are you doing now?
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