One more thing about my winning a 6-figure judgment in my lawsuit against the white supremacist Trump fan who assaulted me: Alt-right's been whining for years that I received an apology and kept going, so they were angry.

Guys, that story ain't the truth. Get ready for reality..
...yes, he sent an anonymous apology. At the time, other sociopaths were mimicking him & using strobes to attack others with epilepsy. I replied to him the copy-catting was dangerous & had to stop. So I told him I'd agree to would not sue & not cooperate with criminal case IF...
...he did 3 things: Contact the law enforcement guy in charge of the case so that he could hear what he did was illegal, go work for three days at the Epilepsy Foundation to learn how bad epilepsy is and the impact of what he and the sociopaths were doing, and then publicly...
...identify himself, appear with me on one of the national TV shows that wanted to do something on the story, where he would apologize to me and then explain that he had learned this was illegal, that it was extremely harmful, and that others had to stop doing it.

He refused...
...instead, he offered to get an anonymous formal apology. And that was it. I was told if I didn't accept it, they would go after my reputation. I told them they had until 5:00 PM two days later to accept my offer of no consequences, or the deal was gone forever.....
...his lawyer called mine 2 days later, at 5:05. Following my instructions, mine said, "Nope. Offer's gone." There was some "thats not fair" but, too bad.

Years later I learned what happened. My attacker refused to identify himself publicly because he was afraid he be trolled..
..yup. Thats what I was told. He wouldn't take an offer to walk away from this scot free - an offer I only made to protect others under attack - because he was afraid of being teased online.... no, you right wing maniacs. There was no apology. Just a stupid attempt to avoid consequences. And there was no way in hell Id let him both avoid the consequences for his actions AND allow attacks on others from his copy-catting fans to continue.

He gambled. He lost.

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