the reality is (don’t deny this) almost all qatari’s are in debt, almost all qatari’s struggle every month with bills and living expenses due to ridiculous inflation. It’s the people like those in the video that give other foreigners the impression that every qatari shits money.
Not all of us shit money, yes we may be blessed with many things like high paying jobs, free healthcare, scholarships, etc... however with the economic situation and the ridiculous prices here almost everyone is struggling.
Another reason that many people are struggling is because of the stupid standard the society has set for how we should live, how big our homes are, how we dress, what we drive, what we eat... Buying a nice car, building a house, and living that luxurious lifestyle can literally-
-drain any bank account and cause financial troubles for people with families. y’all should always look at all sides of a story and not judge anyone for something they did that you find to be “cheap” or “below the standard” because in the end they might be acting smarter than you
note: i spoke exclusively about qataris because i don’t know about other countries situation sooooo.
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