With my six-figure victory in my lawsuit against a MAGA who assaulted me because of my reporting, I no longer have to be quiet about everything we learned. I'll tell whole story soon. For now:

We unraveled the private, white supremacist network, & theyre just learning it now...
...we know what you've said, we know who a lot of you are. We've seen you praise @TuckerCarlson as you translate his nightly dog whistles into action. (It's ugly, Tucker.) I found some of the politicians who participate in their network (Hi Sidney.)....2
...we found the ones of you who attended and threw parties at the Trump Inaugural. We have thousands of pages of documents that you mother fuckers thought would forever remain secret. Even better, I know names of some of you who mimicked the actions of my attacker....3
...and strobed not only me - in hopes of causing a second seizure - but even a range of other people in the epilepsy community. The FBI is investigating other attacks. And you cocky ones who thought you couldnt be found - AFTER we found Rivello - could not be more stupid...4
...so, we'll be talking BA - if, like Rivello, the feds dont come knocking first. Hopefully, we'll be seeing lots of you. And hopefully, come January, you wont be able to rely on a corrupt Justice Department to keep you safe from prosecution. So, pleasant dreams, you scum.
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