It is a physical shock to think how much has changed in 19 years. When evil struck, my country ached with yours and mourned with yours. We opened our communities (google: Gander 9/11) and our hearts to you.
We felt your pain like a death in the family, thousands of times over.
We cried with you, watching tributes to those lost. We sent first responders. We helped rebuild. We fought beside you. Lost loved ones in the deserts with you.
And now? The cult leader in the WH calls us a national security threat. His advisor disparages our troops. Our border is closed because of his incompetence, his selfishness, and the greed of his party.
Now 9/11 is happening twice a week, and the deplorables applaud and cheer him. He defends those responsible for the attacks - and steals from those affected. The mayor of NY at the time - who we watched walking through the rubble - supports this man!!
From unity and sacrifice to everything being fractured and divided. Divided within your own country, let alone the undermining of an alliance and a friendship over a century old. The stain on your Oval Office pisses all over us just like he does the half of your country who
aren’t part of his cult.
You need to get your house in order.
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