I’m part of a Facebook group called the “home gym community” and it’s full of right wing chuds who have been sharing all of their gym setups displaying their Thin Blue Line flags, so I shared this in the group to see what would happen
First comment said “makes sense, looks like you work out in a gulag” which was actually really fucking funny. He got me good.
One guy shared a pic of his Blue Lives Matter flag and said “I’ll be looking for you on the battlefield”
Despite the overwhelming majority calling me a dirty commie and telling me to kill myself I was pleased at the amount of comments comparing me to Ivan Drago from Rocky IV
after over 100 comments within 30 minutes the admin hopped on and threatened to disable comments if people couldn't be civil
i commented, "dang y'all i just really like the soviet weightlifting training methods, i don't know what y'all are so mad about... oh well, from each according to his ability and to each according to his need!"
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