tw // abuse, violence
ok so i am just here to say that anidala is not my favorite ship, not at all, but if you think it is a relationship who truly follows the cycle of abuse and that anakin is abusive, you can unfollow me because i do not agree with that
not only it’s fiction and it’s not that deep, it’s just illogical to go against anakin when kylo and him are literal parallels...
also just stop throwing the word abuse around like it’s nothing, we all know abuse is much more than physical violence, there more to it than just that. there’s a whole cycle, one which I don’t see with either anakin or ben
unfollow me, softblock if you don’t agree because i just don’t want anyone bashing my comfort characters, like ben and anakin, i think many of you will understand how it feels when your characters are attacked for fandom wars and they mean a lot to you
so yeah, speaking my mind about this is already stressful so i am turning off replies and i’ll be ia for the rest of the day
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