This thread is a survey of how some of CCP's closest allies have handled COVID-19. Some interesting circumstantial evidence can be gleaned from the responses, though they vary significantly depending on many factors.
2/ First, of course, if you have a devious plan to shut down the world, the first person you tell is your best, oldest friend. Thus clued in, Kim Jong Un has reported near-zero COVID cases in North Korea, essentially treating NK as an extension of China.
5/ Pakistan is the most interesting. Imran Khan remains the only world leader to personally apologize to the poor for lockdowns, for which he deserves great credit. But in the same thread, he praises China, apparently so Xi would let him off the hook. https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1253745632101228547
6/ South Korea doesn’t get much western coverage, but expert Gordon Chang has been vocal about this, believing Moon Jae-in is close to the CCP. SK was recently rocked by protests after questionable election results and increased COVID restrictions. https://twitter.com/GordonGChang/status/1300086007145132033
8/ Carrie Lam, CCP's puppet in Hong Kong, used COVID as pretext to delay HK's elections for a full year, saying there were "no political considerations" in the decision—of course translating to "this is purely political and has nothing to do with health." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53563090
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