The WAEC exams that took place in Chibok after 6 years since the April 14, 2014 attack and the abduction of the Chibok girls took place in the same Central Primary school that has been serving them for lesson, and Not the burnt school that is still not rebuilt.
Contrary to the report by the Presidential aids that the Chibok School that was burnt in 2014 has been completed is fake, and not true. The school is not completed and not habitable because even the rebuilt structures are all blown off because of substandard work done.
The Commissioner of Education, Borno state Knows the state of the school and should be bold enough to call these liars out. He was there recently before the start of WAEC exams, and has inspected the level of poor work done.
The Chibok (Kibaku) Youth association wrote to the commissioner and demanded that exams be written in schok if the student have been taken their lesson in the primary school for 6 years, same venue should be use for WAEC exam instead of travelling over 1000 km through to M/guri
The request was granted and with the support of the security forces to increase visibility around the town to increase confidence for the community, it wad made possible, after our superior arguments of moving hundreds through roads that are death traps all around the state
If the shorted distance between Chibok and Maiduguri through Damboa totalling 137KM cannot be used for all this while, because of terrorism, then, we prefer them write exams at home than traveling the dealy Gwoza or damaturu maiduguri routes of hundreds of KMs
It is better for the media to focus of getting to know why the school is still not completed in spite of the million of dollars raised through the advocacy of @OfficeGSBrown the former UK prime minister that went to school and launched the safe school initiatives (SSI).
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