The attacks on persons with disabilities in this province from the UCP Government have been absolutely horrific to observe and experience personally as a mother of two autistic young boys.

First, they de-indexed AISH. Albertans that rely on AISH are some of our most

Vulnerable citizens in the most precarious financial situations and they are being forced to make do with even less, when what they had was never good enough to begin with.

Then, @RajanJSaw changed the payment dates, causing these folks to default on rent payments,

Face eviction, have their utilities turned off, and starve. This was done to manipulate the budget- and unfortunately thousands of disabled Albertans were the collateral damage of that decision.

Then, they changed approval processes for FSCD funding. Children with

Complex diagnoses who would have previously qualified for Specialized Services contracts are now being told that they only qualify for lesser supports, and response times are growing longer and longer as public servants in these departments are stretched very thin.

Then they cut PUF for Kindergarteners completely, under the guise of new funding under the SCS model. Under this new model, young disabled students who had been promised 3 years of fully funded support were stripped of the most important year of PUF and had their funding

Cut in half. This money also goes to a collective pool for the entire school, which when the government cuts the education budget drastically results in less funding for these vulnerable children. Dozens of pre-K offerings were shuttered due to budget cuts and the

Support staff that worked with these children have been laid off or had their contracts slashed. The SLP my son worked with in school went from a FT contract to 1.5 days/week for the entire school.

This list is in no way exhaustive, and I’m sure they will continue their attacks on our disabled population, as cruelty seems to be the point where the UCP are concerned.

Society is judged by how they treat their most vulnerable, and if that’s the case, the UCP get an F.

We need to stand up against this government, untangle the lies and deception and hold them accountable for the irreparable damage they’ve already done.

Enough is enough.

#DisabilityRights #ableg #abpoli #abed

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