Now that we know the Greater New York Hospital Association had a hand in New York's policy compelling nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients, let's review GNYHA's recent history with the Cuomo administration ...
When he finally moved to contain costs in early 2020, he turned the job over to a Medicaid Redesign Team cochaired by Michael Dowling of Northwell, a top official of GNYHA and long-time Cuomo adviser, as well as former 1199 chief Dennis Rivera.
The MRT was still deliberating when the pandemic hit. In mid-March, as newly reported by @WSJ, GNYHA lobbied the state for a policy requiring nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients. DOH did just that on March 25.
Most recently, GNYHA has provided the governor with millions of dollars worth of TV exposure by featuring him in an ad campaign that touts the state's success in controlling the pandemic and encourages NYers to seek hospital care.
GNYHA's influence extends well beyond Albany. It's also one of the top donors to Chuck Schumer's Senate Majority PAC and reportedly played a role in killing a congressional ban on "surprise billing."
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