Tw war death

The jesuits and the housekeeper and her daughters mutilated dead bodies were heavily photographed. It was international media. It was a month after the final offensive in the war. The general public had been openly slaughtered for at least 9 years by that point
And it took them killing white people of Spanish nationality who were internationally respected scholars and have it be on full display. These state terrorist death squds also put up a cardboard that said FMLN and tried to blame them! (Offensive was recent)
But it was obviously a massacre in common death squads school of the americas fashion. Anyways it took this for the west to be like “maybe war against communists in el salvador is badd??!” USA were funneling 1-2 mil a day to our govt to kill us.
The only country receiving more US aid at the time was Israel.

White foreigners were often key points in our war. Again they mattered more than our we lost count deaths. Like when nun missionaries died - they stopped the military aid for a minute.
Some parts of Central America in the 80s were a cruel and unaccounted for experiment of empire, of anti-communism, of using leftover Vietnam war weapons, of testing out new/refining old methods of organized killing. We are not the same for it.
Also the U.S. was tapping into a long preexisting colonial fascism in El Salvador. 1932 among other dates. Maximiliano Hernandez. Ethnic cleansing. Land grabs.
*offensive wasn’t recent it was on going. My bday was a month b4 lol
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