[For the Tainted Sorrow]

Chuuya’s ability 汚れつちまつた悲しみにis packed in 160cm pure strength and temper.
Like any other abilty in BSD as well, it derives from a poem by his real life counterpart, called the “Japanese Rimbaud”, and has been published in 1934 - in fact two
years before his son Fumiya died, from which he never really recovered from, and three years before he died himself.

The poem in short describes the feeling of loss while being alive as a “snowflake that shrinks before it falls”.
The IRL Nakahara Chuuya struggled with depression as well due to a troubling childhood as well as the miuse of alcohol and narcotics in his later years. The poem points towards these feelings of sadness and unfulfilled, but also the hopelessness to of freeing yourself from under
the fur’s coat trying to leave this place by giving yourself even a chance.

IRL Nakahara Chuuya found ways to cope and to understand his feelings and his perception of life in poetry.
For me, these heavy weighing and down dragging feelings conveyed in this poem are the connection between the poem, our BSD Chuuya’s abilty and also his character song, in which the fear of dying lonely in the dark becomes even more clear.
So, our BSD allows him to manipulate the gravity of something or someone he touches, as well his own body’s gravity.
Gracvity is a force which attracts a body or an object towards the center of the earth or to any other physical object having mass.
It affects on human blood circulation, pressure as well as the fluid balance.
That means Chuuya is able to stand on ceilings or walk at walls or he applies it to his motorcycle like he did in DA.
He can also make objects and bodies lighter or heavier, which also makes him able to accelerate them in their orbit.
We know that Chuuya needs to touch the objects and bodies so FTS can have an effect on them, which will last for a certain amount of time. If he wants to use FTS again, he needs to touch the objects/bodies again.
In combination with his experiences as the PMs top martial artist he is a fearsome close combat fighter, using his skills to attack the enemy and also gaining control over their gravity.
The atmosphere of the poem “For the Tainted Sorrow” (汚れつちまつた悲しみに) even points towards the true nature of Chuuya’s ability.
“Corruption” (汚濁) basically drains the live out of Chuuya until he dies from the gravitational effects on his body, if Dazai wouldn’t be there
to “wake him up again” with NLH.

After removing his gloves and saying the phrase 汝 陰鬱なる汚濁の許容よ 更めてわれを目覚ますことなかれ (Nanji in'utsu naru ojoku no kyoyou yo, aratamete ware wo me samasu koto nakare) red marks start spreading over his skin.
The reason why I practically melt away by the fact, is that of all humans Dazai is the one who takes his materialized feat of dying alone in the darkness away, holding him close and taking care of him after using Corruption.
Corruption makes Chuuya able to create black holes, so to speak FTS in its real form. The mass of a black hole is so compact, or dense, that the force of gravity is too strong for even light to escape.
He gives up control over his body and his mind and the destructive deity sealed inside him gains control. With Arahabaki in charge, Chuuya destroys – may you be friends or foe.
The true nature of Chuuya’s ability is still blurry.

We know by now that Dazai is able to nullify the deity Arahabaki’s power, when NLH was ineffective on Lovecraft’s “The Great Old One”.
In FIFTEEN it is stated that Chuuya merged with Arahabaki when he was 7 years old in the course of artificial ability experiments.
NLH can only disable other abilities.
We can assume that “For the Tainted Sorrow” is actually an artificial ability derived from Arahabaki or merged with Arahabaki. Considering Rimbauds knowledge about Chuuya’s past and his wish to gain Arahabaki’s strength, which is sealed inside Chuuya, by taking his ability,
it’s most likely the latter? But the answers will hopefully come with STORM BRINGER. ♥

After FIFTEEN neither Chuuya nor Dazai are mentioning “Arahabaki” again. They started calling Chuuya’s true ability’s nature “Corruption” at some point.
I guess we all asked ourselves at least one if Chuuya would be able to control Corruption under Fukuzawa’s abilty “All Men Are Equal”, like Kyouka and Atsushi. If it is more an ability than a deity and reacts to NLH it’s most likely that it would also react to Corruption.
(GOSH! A Chuuya who is able to control Corruption makes me feral, but I like the version with getting touched by Dazai better 😏)
We saw Chuuya losing control over his mind and body, leaving a path of destruction when SKK fought Lovecraft. In DEAD APPLE we saw Chuuya also like this, but he was also able to yell Dazai’s name in anger and punching him without smashing his head, but with the intent to just to
give him an effective clout.

If this has been mere fanservice or if Chuuya was able to gain a certain degree of control over the years, is a question, which we hopefully answered in the coming chapters! ♥

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