My heart goes out to the families of all of those lost on 9/11 and I mourn the death of every single one of those people who died instantly or worse were forced to make a choice between burning to death or jumping to their death. We all need to think about that horror.
But what have we done to prevent it from happening again? We started two wars by a president we now think of fondly only bc we have a true monster in the WH now. The wars we started still rage on in some form or another, killed thousands of innocent civilians and cost trillions.
We pay lip service to remembering but what are we DOING? Killed Osama Bin Laden? Great but our illicit wars gave rise to ISIS. Has Saudi Arabia been held accountable for their role in the attacks? No, in fact, we just sold them billions in weapons.
Are we a better nation 20 years later. No. We are worse. More racist. More bellicose. More violent. More hateful. And, I think, as ignorant a country as we have ever been.
We talk about remembering but only when it feeds our white racist narrative.
We have to remember those who died on 9/11 but we also have to remember those we have killed in all the wars and dirty operations we have waged in other countries and people who have died at the hands of our ignorance like the 190,000 from COVID-19.
For those who will say we have to remember the Confederacy and the soldiers who died fighting supposedly for their state then let's also remember that they were traitors who fought to keep slavery alive. Let's remember what slavery really is and the horror is wrought.
Let's remember that even after the Emancipation Proclamation 100 years passed to sign a Civil Rights bill all the while African Americans were being lynched & murdered & terrorized. Let's remember that. Even now racism is rampant in the US with the biggest racist of all in charge
But more importantly, let's do something about all this. The first step is to oust Drumpf. The next step is bringing about real change and demanding more from our so-called leaders. And this mission must never end until we can truly achieve what America claims to aspire.
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