If you look up "oxygen intake" and masks on google or youtube, you will be presented with a bunch of "debunking" doctors, nurses and many other characters, assuring you that masks don't reduce your oxygen intake. They tell you that's supposed to be a "myth".
If you take an oxygen sensor & put it under your mask, you will see that the normal O2 level outside the mask (~ 21%) drops quickly to about 17-18 under the mask. If you take a CO2 sensor and put it under your mask, you will see it goes up and above 8,000ppm and off the scale.
If you look for masks and oxygen saturation on google/youtube you will encounter tons of doctors and nurses measuring their O2 saturation shortly after putting on a mask, to show you that it will not go down and that the debunkable matter has thus been debunked.
If you put on a mask and monitor your O2 saturation levels for about 2 hours, you will see it goes down significantly. The debunkers don't live in the same world we live.
I suppose most of those debunking doctors are being paid or have some personal motives to disseminate this nonsense.
In any case, the ultimate sources of the current instructions to encourage the use of masks all over the world, whoever they are, don't have our health in mind.
Since one can't assume they are imbeciles, one must assume they're perfectly aware of the deleterious effects of reducing oxygen intake by a very significant amout (15-20 % reduction) by forcing millions of people to work for hours on end wearing a mask day after day.
Once you've established there is an orchestrated campaign to convince everyone that masks don't reduce oxygen intake and saturation levels, and don't increase CO2 retention either, you may safely assume the campaign is directed by psychopaths whose goal is to increase illness.
The Physiological Burden of Prolonged PPE Use on Healthcare Workers during Long Shifts
Anytime is a good time to remind ourselves that millions of people around the world (including children!) are being subjected to oxygen deprivation and all its known deleterous consequences, through the forced use of masks which are known to reduce oxygen intake by 15-20%
The pretext given for the execution of these horrible crimes is a putatively new respiratory virus with a lethality similar to the flu. All randomized studies on the effectiveness of masks show no measurable benefit in preventing the transmission of respiratory infections.
So one must conclude masks are an important part of the current all-out attack on the vast majority of society. Their function is to increase illness and death through oxygen deprivation.
The other part of the attack is massive immiseration through economic destruction.
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