The only stories I am interested in today are from the Muslim, Sikh, & other minoritized communities that lived through 9/11 & its aftermath—including the horrific destruction wreaked by US invasions abroad.
“There wasn’t a mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment/violence”? Hate crimes against “Muslim-looking” communities spiked AND we invaded 2 Muslim countries in an endless war on terror that’s killed over half a million people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan:
19 years after 9/11, I still review @MuslimAdvocates “Know Your Rights” material for home/travel because some communities, faiths, and/or skin colors are never given the benefit of the doubt.
Important thread on 9/11 impacts on queer of color groups. đŸ‘‡đŸŸ
Tired of being expected to perform and prove on this day (or any day). We have the right to grieve AND be angry AND anything else we feel. “You’re either with us or you’re against us” is controlling bs.đŸ‘‡đŸŸ
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