Had a few questions about the books on the bookshelf so here they are! On this shelf I can recommend: Teaching Physical Ed (Mosston & Ashworth) and Building Learning Power ( @GuyClaxton)
On this shelf I’d recommend: Drive ( @DanielPink), Legacy (James Kerr) and Payoff ( @danariely).
On here; No Hunger in Paradise ( @CalvinBook), Teambuilding (Rinus Michels), Developing Game Intelligence in Soccer (Horst Wein) and Mensch ( @JonBloggs66). If you can find the Allen Wade ‘FA Guide...’ that’s a timeless book too.
This one; Building the Happiness-Centred Business (Paddi Lund), Coaching Athletes to be Their Best ( @stephenrollnick) and Edge ( @benlyt).
And then on this one, lastly; Constraints-Led Approach (Ian Renshaw et al), the Humanistic Coach (Bennett Lombardo), Talent ID in Sport ( @bakerjyorku) and anything by @lkidman! Also worth looking at Tools of Titans ( @tferriss) for life gains.
You can follow @nlevett.
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