I don’t feel the need to “celebrate” or ~remember~ 9/11 every. single. year. because my *entire* life is lived in the context of a “post-9/11 world.” Remembering 9/11 isn't necessary because it's ongoing. It's not something that could fade from memory, even if we wanted it to.
*19* years later, 9/11 and its consequences totally permeate American life. And in most cases, not in a good way. Oversized defense spending which wreaks havoc on the American budget. Endless wars, with troops *still* in Afghanistan.
Phony ultra-patriotism that is pretty much the only discernible platform idea of the modern-day GOP. A president who embodies all the worst qualities of that nationalism/jingoism. 20 years of damaged relations with the Islamic community in America (which has pretty clearly
bled over and/or exacerbated problems within other non-white communities). Formation/expansion of ICE and the DHS. Living in a surveillance state thanks to the process started by the Patriot Act.
These are the things I think of when I think about 9/11. So today is just... today. It’s a Friday. Not that much different than Thursday or Saturday.
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