This story abt how the #ICAFarmville covid outbreak is bc DHS wanted to police #BlackLivesMatter demonstrations in DC is really wild and upsetting. Thread ⬇️

1) On Jun 1, DHS sent a memo saying they were flying ICE special response teams to police local demonstrations in DC (1/6
2) ICE isn't allowed to fly agents on charter flights unless transporting detainees (2/6
3) On June 2, ICE flew detainees from uncrowded facilities in Arizona to Virginia, with special response teams on the same flights. The special response teams don't guard detainees on flights, ICE enforcement officers & private contractors do that (3/6
5) #SB5017 would clarify that Virginia can inspect and require health safety improvements at #ICAFarmville , which is a private facility set up as a local jail under Virginia law. (5/6
6) Certain D state senators are holding up this bill--you can let your senator know it's important to you. The next vote on #SB5017 will probably be Tuesday. (6/6) 
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