actually i really wanna talk about the relation between RM (mixtape) and mono, because i see a lot of people saying that they're polar opposites of each other but I don't think that's true at all; they're just 2 parts of the same story
if RM is the crest of a wave roaring then mono would be the moment it crashes down and mellows out to join the rest of the ocean, at least thats how i see it in my mind
as RM goes on, the tracks become more and more introspective, specifically life and awakening, the fears of someone not just contemplating their own existence, but the existence of every single being around them and our relation to the concept of "life"
for example in life: he writes that "Life is more beautiful because everyone has their death as a collateral from the moment they are born" and he expands on his view of the world and this concept of life's grip on humanity is tied to and continued in mono up to the very end
and you can see that continuation in forever rain with the line "I'm still the hostage of life / Though it’s not that I’m living because I can’t die/ I’m still chained to something" which is to say that obviously he's grown as a person since we last heard these thoughts but
there's still room to grow and journeys to make and epiphanies to have and i'm sure that by the time joon was done with mono he had something new to write about, the music he's released up to this point has all been a very tightly woven and interlaced story
seokjin posted and i completely lost my train of thought so this is where the thread ends happy BIRTHDAY BROOo
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