I really can’t today with the empty rituals of “never forgets” and “never agains” from Republican politicians. Where were these people when Donald Trump retweeted a call to just “Let Democrat cities rot?” 1/4
Where were they when Mitch McConnell refused aid to New York City at the height of the coronavirus crisis, as the city bore the brunt of death and suffering in America like nowhere else, when McConnell told blue states to “go bankrupt” instead? 2/4
Where were Republicans when Donald Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David on the last 9/11 Anniversary?

“Never forget?” Maybe Republicans, please actually try remembering… remembering a time when people from all over the country came selflessly to New York City’s aid... 3/4
...a time when an attack on a liberal city was an attack on all of us… a time before Sarah Palin led Republicans in 2008 in first dividing America into “real Americans” – red and rural – and everyone else. Try remembering America, before that. And let's get back to that. 4/4
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