1. I often get younger ones who say mkoma, I want you to mentor me. Time does not permit us to have one on one session. My answer to you is a proverb I often quote from Achebe: “when mother-cow is chewing grass, the young ones watch its mouth” I will tell you why it’s powerful.
2. It means, you learn from those who have come before you. The cow does not tell it’s young how to chew grass. They see her chewing grass and they learn from it. This is what you ought to do. You watch what your elders and peers do and if you like it, you do likewise.
3. This is how I learnt from the likes of Kempoton Makamure, Masipula Sithole, @Welshman_Ncube, @ProfJNMoyo @ProfMadhuku my brothers @TamukaKagoro77 @DrMutasah @DeproseM @Muzvo @SiphoMalunga @Rex27 my sister @EverjoiceWin and many others back when I was a lad at university.
4. I did not go to them to say what can I do? How do I do it? I just watched & learnt from them by their works as intellectuals back in the day. These days I love it when I see younger hands like taking up the tasks and growing @DrThompsonLaw @samkebusiness @tinomabwe
5. I may occasionally have disagreements with some of these people who were my “mentors” today. And you may be surprised to see their names here. But none of that takes away the contributions they made to my consciousness as a young student. You learn from everyone!
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