watched the film "Cuties"...certainly understand that it's been explained as a kind of cautionary tale about the sexualization of children, but nothing about the film reads as disapproving or critical. theres a scene where 4 11-year-olds seduce their way out of trouble lol
i don't think any of the principal characters ever have their midriffs covered...they also spend a lot of time talking about sex. there's a discussion of, and much camera focus upon, the 'cleavage' of an 11 y/o...and shots of adult men admiring these kids' bodies. folks..........
there's a protracted sequence, zero dialogue, of the girls putting their fingers in their mouths and eyeing the camera...this comes on the heels of them buying a bunch of lingerie...just completely unrelated to any kind of plot or character development. bizarre
anyway, i'm aware this matter, like almost all matters in contemporary culture, has dissolved into some kind of bullshit partisan slapfight, which i don't care about and refuse to pay attention to. just giving you my read of this weird ass movie
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