Watching @hedonish present #SDSNoisyBrains

Did you know ADHD brain produce less norepinephrine and dopamine?

ADHD brains that are underestimated can feel really uncomfortable, like an itchy sweater

ADHD brains that don't pay attention to the task at hand are really saying 'this is too boring of a task and I won't focus on it'

Stress - like knowing your partner is on their way home and you didn't do XYZ - can light a fire under our asses to get tasks we've been avoiding done

Sex is really the only time we're asked to focus on a single thing for a while

It's okay to acknowledge the distractions we're feeling and move on

Distraction can interrupt the sexual arousal cycle, so that acknowledgement is a better way to handle being distracted during sex than getting frustrated - which can make it worse

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) goes hand in hand with ADHD

Studies show ADHD folx receive around 20x more criticism as children than their peers

And then there's internal criticism

If we can acknowledge that this is an issue, we can both understand our brains better, giving them space and grace, AND explain it to partners

Hypersensitivity can go along with ADHD, whether that's physical or emotional

Think about sounds or sensations that you might hyperfocus on like sheets bunching around your feet

Urgency and procrastination are major issues with ADHD

Our brains don't always focus on what we WANT them to focus on

ADHD brains struggle with time

We don't see time in the linear fashion often, but more wibbly wobbly like Doctor Who

Think of it as having time being a covered spot for us

New Relationship Energy (NRE) can cause ADHD brains to hyperfocus on a new partner

When that NRE goes away, we can shift focus to newer partners or daily life versus that partner

And that can be rough

Many ADHDers have a lower sex drive (49%) compared to about 25% of gen pop

Higher sex drives can be a thing, too, especially with the endorphins fulfilling our need for dopamine and norepinephrine

"Just because science doesn't know it yet doesn't mean it's not true"
- @hedonish

Moving on to discuss anxiety disorders now

This'll be a fairly broad view

40 million US adults have at least one anxiety disorder

That also includes PTSD

Anxiety responses bring on a ton of different changes that are there to help us protect ourselves

It pulls us into fight, flight, freeze, or fawn mode

Nearly 50% of ADHDers also have anxiety, making things even more difficult to navigate

Esp as anxiety can become a hyperfocus

Chronic stress can cause physical pain, reduce genital response like producing lubrication, and can even lead to overly tight vaginal/pelvic muscles

These all lead to less sexual pleasure

We have a gas pedal (sexual excitation system), a brake pedal (sexual inhibition system) and a hand brake (chronic 'no thank you' signal)

Getting to orgasm, esp during 2020, can mean trying to move forward with the hand brake on

Context matters in how we respond to sex

If you're working from bed, it may be harder to let your guard down and relax there during sex

Ways to calibrate your nervous system and complete that stress cycle?

Sleep, working out, affection, meditation, crying, self-care and self-kindness

It's okay to rethink sex, whether that's the activities we engage in or how we think about sexuality


It's SO VITAL to working through issues

Ask your partner to repeat a phrase back to you and practice reflective listening

Think about ways to task switch to transition into sexy times while shedding off the stress

Scheduling sexy time is great, too, but have a backup plan in case y'all aren't feeling it that day

Think about doing sexual things facing a wall to avoid distractions

Mixing things up like using sex toys or talking dirty can be great ways to keep people's minds engaged

If you're gonna be distracted, do it on purpose!

Make sex a game, like reading a book while your partner touches you and see how long you can go before messing up

Instead of trying to change how your brain works - which won't happen tbh - focus on changing the context

Another fun way to play can be to listen to audio porn and act out what's happening

Nothing is better than @feelgoodfilth IMO

Being not sober can help, too, as long as you have negotiated playing in that manner

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