
On contention:
Living the restored gospel - making and keeping covenants - sanctifies us, and as a holier people we are able to live in unity.


If we have the Spirit, we won't be driven to contention or strife, but rather to harmony. "It unifies souls."

We "have his spirit to be with us" as we actively keep and renew our baptismal covenant.


Disagreement =/= contention, necessarily.

In fact, sometimes we must take righteous stands, "when moved upon by the Holy Ghost." Failure to do so invites discord.

Still, we must speak well of one another and have real charity if we are to be unified.


Coriantumr is able take the Nephite crown-jewel city of Zarahemla *because* (in part) of the contention among the people over their government.

Thankfully, the Nephites and Moronihah were able to, at great cost, reclaim the city.


"When there is contention, the Spirit of the Lord will depart, REGARDLESS OF WHO IS AT FAULT."


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