I think the mentality that you understand everyone around you is kind of naive. we never stop learning about those around us. people are complex. even people who label themselves as bland and uninteresting often are the most interesting ones. what they have to say is so important
why? because they were made to believe that what they have going on isn't much, but even if you're sitting at home doing nothing, the reasons you got there could be so different from someone else's. I want to know about that. I find that kind of insight really interesting
I always ask people where their passions lie and I get a lot of answers that are essentially "I have none." when I was growing up it was kind of shocking, but now I get it. living a fulfilling life doesn't require passion. some people just want peace. satisfaction is personal
this is all just a long winded way of saying I love finding out more about people. there also comes a time where you become so close and comfortable with someone that you don't even have to say anything. that quiet mutual comfort. I love that the most
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