Good book reviews can serve any number of functions. Bad reviews only serve one. 1/6
A good review encapsulates a book without giving away its secrets, illustrates its strengths and weaknesses, and puts it in context of other culture and works by that author or in that genre. It does this for the reader and, at its best, is concise. Good reviews are generous. 2/6
A bad review only serves to highlight the limits of the reviewer. Bad reviews tend toward selfishness. 3/6
Of course, I use the terms good and bad here to mean of high or low quality. A good review can pan a book just as a bad review can exalt one. 4/6
I hope to read the book she reviewed by Eula Biss. It promises to both challenge me and extend my understanding of an important aspect of contemporary life. But should that not come to pass, I'm better for having read the review. Fin
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